Parkway Heights Pillars

"The Pillars of Parkway Heights" explores what makes our church tick. These foundational principles - for all generations - articulate our culture and framework for living in the present and moving into the future. 

Our A15 Committee crafted these, Church Council affirmed them, and now we pray that the entire congregation will seek to grow more faithful with them as our guideposts for ministry and identity. 

To learn more about these guiding principles, our pastors are offering different Bible studies about the pillars

View a PDF of the Pillars

RightNow Media

Have you accessed our free online resource, RightNow Media?

RightNow Media is an online library that works much like Netflix, giving you access to thousands of Christian media resources. These resources are great for a small group, a Sunday School class or for personal study and reflection. Parents of young children will also enjoy the multitude of children's videos that are accessible through RightNow Media. 

If you have already set up your RightNow Media account, access it here from your phone, computer, tablet, Roku or other streaming device.

If you have never accessed RightNow Media account before, click here to set up a new user account.

Have fun browsing your new free resource! If you have any questions, please contact Susan Eaton.

Band Together

Connection is extremely important. Jesus changed the world by forming deep relationships with a few people who would then carry on His work beyond His earthly life. He even said that the very credibility of His life and message in the eyes of unbelievers would be dependent upon the way His followers relate to each other (see John 17).

Learn more about BANDing together