Bible Studies & Small Groups

Christians grow best when they worship together, grow through study and small groups and serve amongst our neighbors. We encourage you to look through this list of small groups and studies and get involved. If you’re already active in worship, let’s take the next step and grow together.

Most of our Bible studies and small groups run for about six weeks in either the fall or spring. Sunday School classes for all ages meet every Sunday at 9:40 a.m. We also encourage everyone to "band together" and become part of a small group. Groups can be as small as three people, and you can meet in person or electronically. Learn more about banding together

  • pillars bible studies

    Following our current “Pillars of Parkway Heights” sermon series, several Bible studies based on these pillars will be offered.

    • Keith Keeton will offer a six-week study on Sundays at 5:30 p.m., starting February 23 in Room 315
    • David Sellers will lead a six-week study on Sundays at 9:40 a.m., starting February 23 in Room 302A
    • Julie Collins will lead a six-week study on Wednesdays at noon, starting March 12 (except April 2) in Room 303A



    Are you involved in a quarrelsome or contentious relationship that is keeping you stressed and on guard? Are you holding on to bitterness from the past? Does online bickering make you anxious? Do you feel stuck in a place that is stealing your joy?

    Susan Eaton will offer two options for this study on "Reclaiming Joy." The class will be offered on Sundays at 4 p.m., starting March 9, and Mondays at 10 a.m., starting March 10.

    This study of Genesis 26 will help you explore where you might be stuck. It will ask you to address some common attitudes, habits and behaviors that are preventing you from living the life of joy God desires for you.

    After taking this journey you will:

    • understand how ineffective and damaging fear is in your life
    • recognize where you might be making assumptions about others
    • discern whether you may need to exit a toxic relationship or environment
    • be equipped to express kindness and love to difficult people
    • be positioned to forgive those who have hurt you

    We live in an increasingly polarized world. Some Christians feel under siege, and some common reactions include fitting in, withdrawing, fear, anger or seeking power. However, none of these align with the words of Micah (seek justice, love mercy, walk humbly); Jeremiah (seek the good of the city) or Jesus (let your light shine before others).

    Join Randy Pope, co-author of "Living with Purpose in a Polarizing World," for an eight-week study, which begins Sunday, Feb. 2, at 5:30 p.m. in Room 305. Together, we’ll explore practical takeaways and Biblical lessons for thriving today. Through the lives of 12 Biblical characters, you’ll uncover lessons on resilience, joy and faith that are highly relevant to our contemporary challenges and examine their workplace lives, exploring how they represented their faith and how we can apply that to our own circumstances.

    This study will help you:

    • Navigate your workplace with Biblical wisdom and integrity.
    • Learn from the resilience and faith of Biblical figures.
    • Implement practical strategies for maintaining your faith in challenging environments.
    • Foster unity and grace in your interactions, both personally and professionally.

    We hope you’ll participate in this study and be inspired to seek justice, love mercy and walk with God as we seek the good of our city and continue being the salt and light of the world. 

  • Men's ministry burger & fellowship

    Led by Sid Collins

    Monthly at different restaurants

    All men are invited to this laid-back fellowship group led by Sid Collins. Each month, you’ll gather at a different restaurant for burgers and good conversation. Feel free to invite a friend! You’ll enjoy getting to know other men better and trying out some good food around town. 

  • prayer shawl ministry

    Led by Tina Arrington

    Mondays at 1 p.m. 


    Knit or crochet a prayer shawl or lap robe for those who are experiencing difficult times and circumstances. All skill levels and both men and women are welcome to participate.

  • sanctuary choir

    Led by Greg Fuller

    Wednesdays at 6 p.m.

    Choir Suite

    The choir welcomes you to serve with them in sharing the gift of music and facilitating a worshipful experience on Sunday mornings and at other special services. The choir provides a supportive environment for members, cultivates mentoring relationships with student singers and remains supportive of other ministries at Parkway Heights. If you are looking for a great place to belong, consider becoming a part of the Choir Ministry.

  • United Women in faith

    Patsy Register, president

    United Women in Faith (formerally United Methodist Women) focuses on women, children and youth; acts for justice; and transforms communities. UWF has two circles (small groups) that meet as part of the overall organization. The Bevill/Vickery Circle meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. in the Fireside Room, and the Outreach Circle meets on the first Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Fireside Room.